Corporate bike schemes for large and small companies

Differentiate yourself as an employer: 1 in 2 employees is interested in a company bicycle.

Benefits for the company

Happier and healthier workers
Exercise and fresh air are particulary beneficial for body and mind. Therefore, it's unsurprising that employees who cycle experience approximately one day less of sickness per year.
An attractive addition to the remuneration.
From a tax perspective, it is approximately 50% more efficient than cash remuneration, and under certain conditions, it can even be free for the employer.
Social responsibility of your venture
With a bike plan, you score points in all aspects of corporate social responsibility, and you contribute to solving the mobility problem.
Combine to your heart's content.
The company bike can be combined with the company car and public transportation. Moreover, it fits perfectly into the federal mobility budget and a cafeteria plan.

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How it works

1. Your wishes and preferences

We assess together your current mobility situation and your future objectives. Do you wish to make the bike plan cost-neutral through remuneration? What do you consider important in terms of safety, comfort, peace of mind, and short and/or long-term ambitions?

2. B2Bike gets in action

B2Bike customizes a bike plan for your company, with a bike policy tailored to your preferences, either in purchase or leasing. We take into consideration the bigger picture and identify strengths and weaknesses, aiming for the most substantial positive impact at the lowest possible cost.

3. Tailor made bicycle plan

Your company is unique, and B2Bike takes that into account. With your needs and preferences in mind, we can offer you a wide range of solutions. This applies both to the bike policy itself and to complementary measures such as information sessions, bike-friendly storage facilities, etc.

4. Implementation

To inform and motivate your colleagues, B2Bike is happy to present in your company. Through a presentation or a kick-off information session, we provide all the details of the bike plan. Using our secure online tools, every step is easily accessible and can be tracked in real-time.

Do you also want to have a fitter and more energetic team? Do you want to save space and energy? Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint? And all of this while benefiting from attractive tax advantages? Then opt for a customized bike plan.

The Bike Plan: What Employers Want to Know

What are the durations of use in the case of leasing and purchasing?

In the case of purchasing, the tax authority imposes 36 months as the shortest period allowed for straight-line depreciation until 0%. For operational leasing, the standard duration is 36 months.

How much does a bike plan cost the employer?

A bike plan is generally initially cost-neutral for the employer, whether in the purchasing option or the leasing option. In this case, a gross salary exchange, a flexible remuneration plan (cafeteria plan), or the federal mobility budget are used to offset the external costs of acquiring the bike. As an employer, you also benefit from all the secondary advantages of increased bike usage. The space you save by having fewer cars in the parking lot, employees in better shape and happier without costing you a dime, the greening of the commuting without significant investments—these are all benefits that the employer gets for free.

What insurances do you offer, and what do these insurances cover?

The bicycles are all covered by a damage and theft insurance. This insurance covers damages and theft during the duration of the contract (typically 36 months) with a deductible of only €25 per claim. In case of theft, your bicycle is replaced with another bike of the same type, within the framework of the same leasing contract. With few logical exclusions, practically all damages are covered. For example, it is necessary to lock your bike to an anchor point to be eligible for theft coverage, and intentionally caused damages will not be covered. If you adhere to these conditions, you can be completely worry-free. For a speed pedelec, we additionally offer liability insurance. Although this is not legally required, it is strongly recommended as it covers damages you might cause to other road users. Finally, there is also an optional "e-bike warranty" insurance that takes over from the manufacturer's warranty in the third year of use since the factory warranty usually only provides protection for 2 years.

How is the maintenance of my bike organized?

Your local bike shop doesn't just provide you with your new bike, but also takes care of maintenance and repairs. Maintenance is included in your lease or purchase price, with a choice of 3 packages based on the intensity of your bike usage and the advice of the store. To keep track of this, you receive a B2Bike service card along with your bike. After each maintenance session, the merchant will scan your card to settle the service. The remaining balance can be checked online using B2Bike's convenient tools.

What types of bikes can I choose from?

The answer is simple: you determine this entirely yourself because, from B2Bike's perspective, there is essentially no restriction. You can offer any bike brand and type that is available within our extensive network of more than 800 professional dealers. Virtually every quality bike brand distributed in our country can be found in our dealer network. You decide, for example, whether incorporating a speed pedelec fits into your bike plan and whether additional conditions need to be met (such as a mandatory helmet or a defensive driving course).

What happens when the leasing period comes to an end?

After the end of the leasing period, B2Bike will resell the bike in the second-hand market. Companies that lease bikes from B2Bike can offer their employees the opportunity to be the first to purchase the bike. When the leasing contract is approaching its end, you will receive a message from B2Bike asking if you or any of your colleagues are interested in buying the bike. If you are interested, you can respond positively to this request, indicating the recipient of the invoice. During the last month of the lease, B2Bike will then issue a purchase invoice, which can be easily paid online. If you or a colleague do not buy the bike, you will need to return it to the nearest B2Bike bike shop on the lease end date. Depending on your employer's policy, you may have the option to lease a new bike once the first contract is over.

I have an ongoing lease, can I order a new bike before it is finished?

From a parafiscal perspective, it is not excluded to have two bikes in service at the same time, for example, if you sometimes need a folding bike and sometimes an electric bike. However, these conditions are often not present. Most employers simply do not allow having two bikes on lease simultaneously. Their bike policy states that an existing contract must be completed before a new bike can be taken into service. To smoothly overlap your two leases, it is best to place a new order in advance. After approval, the nearest pick-up date is communicated to the bike shop, ensuring there is no overlap between the two leasing contracts. On average, employees start searching for their dream bike three months before the end of the lease.

Should we choose leasing or purchasing for our company bicycles?

Each of these two options has its advantages and disadvantages. From a tax perspective, they are completely equivalent. From the user and management perspective, there are also no significant differences. For example, in the case of a purchase, it is also possible to immediately arrange services such as maintenance, breakdown assistance, and insurance, which allows a purchased bike to benefit from a similar peace of mind as in a leasing arrangement. The choice largely depends on your company. Generally, if a company is accustomed to buying cars and machinery, it makes sense for bikes to be used under a purchasing scheme. By buying the bikes, you can achieve considerable cost savings compared to leasing. On the other hand, leasing allows your company not to include the bikes in its balance sheet and avoid tying up capital in a bike fleet.

Some employers that are already on the bike

Our bike plan was part of a larger project that also reviewed our bus transportation. We wanted to leave nothing to chance, and that's why, after surveying the market, we chose B2Bike. Their comprehensive approach convinced us, and after 6 years of experience, we still have no regrets.

Tom V. P., Facility manager

B2Bike assisted us excellently in setting up our bike plan. When the bike storage started to become too tight, we looked for a contractor for it. To our surprise, B2Bike could take care of that too, and they even had the best proposal. A storage that is truly user and maintenance-friendly, by and for cyclists, at a competitive price.

Griet D., Environmental coordinator

At the start-up, B2Bike provided excellent assistance in communicating with our staff. Due to our three-shift system and various locations, this was a challenge we were apprehensive about. Fortunately, B2Bike conducted presentations and offered test rides at all our different locations, multiple days and around the clock during each shift change, making it actually enjoyable. We now have more than 1.200 bikes in service, and our employees are very satisfied.

Laura S., Human Resources

Our company was one of the first in our sector to establish a bike plan. We faced the challenge of creating a bike policy that would be acceptable to our social partners. Thanks to the assistance of B2Bike, that was a smooth process.

Patrick V.H., Human Resources

Our workforce is a mix of French and German speakers. We appreciated that B2Bike's IT platform could also cater to the German speakers in their native language. Additionally, we are very satisfied with their availability via email and phone.

Volker O., HR responsible

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